What's in the broth? Why did we start teaching people with iron deficiency to cook real soup? Now that you're starting to get ready, it's important to understand why 24-hour broth is part of the diet.
Can microbiome transfer replace antibiotics over time? Can the microbiome have an antibiotic-like effect? This question has become timely following an experiment at the Salk Institute. The research team has named the process, first described in the journal Cell, the Cooperative Defense System, whereby a test animal is given what is absolutely certain to be...
A team of researchers at McMaster University (Canada) recently confirmed previous observations that the composition and amount of mycobacteria (gut bacteria) in the large intestine changes with age. This process led to intestinal inflammation in experimental mice, which ultimately shortened the lifespan of the animals. In a paper co-authored by the researchers (published in the...
It has long been known that diet is one of the main factors affecting the gut microbiome, but how diet-induced changes in the microbiome affect pathophysiological processes in the host is much less understood. In overweight or obese individuals, it is known that the composition of the microbiome differs from that of individuals of normal...
Obesity, diabetes and cancer, also the performance of athletes with outstanding physical abilities are all linked by a common thread: altered cellular metabolism. At the heart of this is a organellum known as the mitochondrium. It is this miniature reactor that is at the heart of the Microbiome Race. But… …before we get started, it...
Is it possible for a perfectly average middle-aged man to change his lifestyle and, in a short space of time, achieve a level of physical performance that he was previously unable to achieve? Do we have enough knowledge to shorten this time? If our experience has shown that a bacterial composition from runners is more...
The new plan is to dope. Completely legally. I’ll be prepared, but I won’t leave it to chance: I’ll use my own bacteria to stay alive while I implement my new idea. I am no longer a long distance runner and I have never been an ultra one. But just as you can enhance performance...