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Ultra Athlete - UltraBiome donor
MicroBiome consultation

MicroBiome Bank donors are very special people. As well as being incredibly healthy, they are also particularly careful about how they eat, not just for themselves but for the patients they help. If you'd like to join them, please apply and we'll see if you fit the criteria.

Before registering, we would like you to understand the process of becoming a donor, including the details of data management and storage, selection methodology, necessary tests and donation steps. If you accept the terms and conditions, please complete the registration process, after which you will be asked to fill in a "Donor Questionnaire". This will ask you about the circumstances of your birth, any previous medical conditions you may have, as well as your current health or dietary habits. The people selected through the questionnaire will be consulted in a detailed data matching session. The next step is a faecal bacteriological and blood serological examination of the donor candidates, which will be evaluated according to the criteria described in the methodological letter. As a final screening step, a faecal microbiome test will be initiated to check the exact composition of the bacteria in the donor's colon.

Bacterial strains

Medical history

The professional expectation is that the patient should be free of all currently known infectious diseases, and that their digestion-, nervous-, excretory- and hormonal system should be in balance. All known and potentially microbiome-transmissible diseases are screened for and followed up with regard to incubation periods.


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Physical state

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The process of donor selection is time-consuming for both the donor and the medical team and costly for the patient. It is therefore not always easy to secure the long-term cooperation of individuals for donation after the necessary tests have been carried out. Before applying, it is important to consider whether the minor inconveniences associated with donation can be borne by the donor candidate after a successful selection.

The MicroBiome Donation Process

The procedures are very straight forward and easy to understand. Due to the time-consuming and costly nature of the procedure, we wanted to avoid any unnecessary tests or inconveniences in the design of the donor screening.


This process only takes a few minutes. We will provide you with a unique U****** identifier during the procedure to ensure your anonymity for the tests and data collection.


You will then be asked to fill in an on-line "Donor's Questionnaire", which includes health and nutritional information, risky behaviour and sports related questions as well. It takes approximately 10 minutes.

Blood & Stool Testing

Those selected through the questionnaire will be subject to a detailed data matching consultation, faecal bacteriological and blood serological tests, which are evaluated according to the criteria described in the methodological letter.


Donations are carried out for a duration of 5 days for two consecutive weeks. Faeces is collected by an easy to use, hygienic device which stores the donation well sealed.

Safety Storage

We are required by our strict safety protocol to store the faeces under -80°C in order to eliminate any and all eukaryotic cells. This is a time consuming step wit a length of 8 weeks.

Donor Retesting

Once the safety period is over, we will. After the safety storage period is over, the donor is retested for all diseases that may have been present in the body at the time of donation, but sensitivity of the screening methods were unable to show.

Stool classification

Once it has been verified that both the donor and the faeces is appropriate for medical intervention, as final screening step, a faecal microbiome test will be initiated to verify the exact composition of the microbiome in the donation.

Választható humán mikrobioóma feldolgozási módok

A MicroBiome Bank folyamatos erőfeszítéseinek eredményeként Önnek lehetősége van arra, hogy három donor-mikrobióma feldolgozási mód (TestBiome / DiffBiome / TransferBiome) közül válasszon betegei igénye alapján vagy klinikai vizsgálathoz kétféle egységesített kiszerelést (ClinicalBiome, UltraBiome) kérjen. Az alábbiakban megpróbáljuk röviden és közérthetően elmagyarázni, hogy mely szolgáltatásunkat milyen egészségügyi probléma megoldására vagy klinikai igény kiszolgálására fejlesztettük ki.

Az egy dobozban található baktérium-mennyiség szolgáltatásonként állandó, így az egységnyi kiszerelésekben található kapszulák száma fordítottan arányos a kapszulákban található baktérium-sűrűséggel.

(A különböző microbióma transzferek között az ikonokra kattintva választhat.)



- antropometria
- életmód, életkörülmények, szokások
- étkezés, élelmiszerforrás
- anamnézis, gyógyszerhasználat
- családi kórtörténet
- pszichológiai, pszichiátriai alkalmasság
- onkológiai kórtörténet
- gasztroenterológiai kórtörténet
- korábbi fertőző betegségek
- neurológiai kórtörténet
- immunológiai kórtörténet
- utazási szokások
- testmozgás, sport



  • teszt

FindBiome capsules for mapping microbiome-compatibility
DiffBiome capsules for treating Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile infections

MicroBiome Bank kapszulák

szerepe különböző kórképekben

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Ide jön a szöveg



- HIV 1-2, p24 protein negativitás

MicroBiome transplantation and transfer