How May

MicroBiota Transfer Therapy (MTT)

help you by receiving bacteria of healthy donors?

Give us a chance to share the most important information with you
Let's Move On!
Where is science today in

MicroBiota Therapy?

What do we know and what are we missing? Science is evolving. Today, publications on the role of microbiota transfer in tumour management are still greeted with the same scepticism as those published more than ten years ago on the adverse effects of antibiotics in food on gut flora. At the same time, for many diseases, even people without a professional background are now aware of the importance of the diversity, balance and monitoring of the microorganisms in our gut. This is why you are on our site now. While the production of a perfectly functioning, stable ecosystem under artificial conditions will not be possible for many decades, the transfer of microbiota from healthy individuals called Microbiota Transfer Therapy (MTT) is now a routine.

First, we would like to explain how we think about the microorganisms that live in our gut today. We will then show you the therapeutic options available to you for different diseases. Finally, we will describe how you can access MicroBiome Bank capsules for each disease group.

Patient safety

is our top priority,

which is why MicroBiome Bank applies a more comprehensive screening protocol for donors than is required by the regulatory standards, including a multi-step process that takes into account latency periods.


Donor Questionnaire

  • anthropometrics
  • lifestyle, living conditions, habits
  • meals, food source
  • medical history, medication use
  • family medical history
  • psychological, psychiatric fitness
  • oncological history
  • gastroenterological history
  • previous infectious diseases
  • neurological history
  • immunological history
  • travel habits
  • physical activity, sport

Checking of General

Laboratory Parameters

  • markers of inflammation
  • blood count
  • kidney function
  • liver function

Laboratory Screening for

Communicable Diseases

  • human immunodeficiency virus 1-2
  • hepatitis A virus
  • hepatitis B virus
  • hepatitis C virus
  • hepatitis E virus
  • treponema pallidum


Stool Testing

  • markers of inflammation
  • enteric pathogens
    • salmonella, shigella, yersinia
    • campylobacter
    • enteropathogen e. coli
    • clostridioides group
    • plesiomonas
    • vibrio
    • cryptosporidium
    • cyclospora
    • entamoeba histolytica
    • giardia lamblia
    • enteric viruses
    • helicobacter pylori
    • multi-resistant pathogens


Mikrobióta tipizálása

  • 16sRNA gene sequencing, or
  • ShotGun sequencing
Patient Safety - Questionnaire
FindBiome capsules for mapping microbiome-compatibility
FindBiome capsules for mapping microbiome-compatibility
Preparing MTT

MicroBiome Bank FMT capsules

are available for different application purposes

The following table shows the services (capsules) that you, as a patient, can order under certain conditions or that your doctor can recommend. We advise you to click on the disease group that concerns you in the section "MicroBiome Bank capsules and their role in different conditions" and, with the information on that page, choose the service that best suits you, with the help of your physician.

MicroBiome Bank capsules

and their role in different conditions

Please review the options below and select the one you have contacted us about!

Storing your own microbiota

Storing your own microbiota

in situations where this is the best option

C. difficile infection

C. difficile infection

and an effective way to combat it

Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease (soon)

and relief of its symptoms

Autism and ADHD

Autism and ADHD (soon)

where significant change can be achieved

IBS and IBD patients

IBS and IBD patients (SOON)

and their latest chance for a better quality of life

Obesity and diabetes

Obesity and diabetes (soon)

related disbiosis management

In addition to AutoBiome (for storing your own microbiota) and DiffBiome capsules (for curing Clostridium Difficile infections), MicroBiome Bank's other services are also for patients, but except for the two cases mentioned above, they may require the assistance of a specialist. We recommend that you consult your doctor before ordering any capsules. MicroBiome Bank does not provide patient care, the aim of the consultations is to develop a treatment protocol for each patient, which can be most effectively applied by the doctor of the specialty.


We work hard to make our website as formative and user-friendly as possible. That's why we are constantly updating our patient information pack to help people find the best solution. If you have any questions about our services and how to use our capsules, please contact us and we will try to answer them as soon as possible.

Visit Our Blog
Visit Our Blog

Visit Our Blog

Over the past decade, our knowledge about the human microbiota has exploded. At the same time, it is very difficult to filter out from the mass of information available the clinical trials, summaries and presentations that have a real and tangible relevance, that are understandable and maybe applied to the everyday clinical work. As of 1st December 2023, we will attempt to collect these articles on our page and comment them in plain language.

Get in Touch

If you have any questions about the services you may wish to select, please contact us so that we can help you. Depending on our workload, we usually respond to emails as soon as possible, Monday to Friday.

MicroBiome Bank Ltd.
2 Brandon Road
Braintree, Essex
United Kingdom
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